Checklist: Gastropods

Contributed by: Dr. N.V. Subba Rao

Item count: 1337
Classsort descending Subclass Order Suborder Family Genus Species Occurrence Authority References Contributors
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Sacoglossa Plakobranchacea Plakobranchidae Thuridilla gracilis Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Risbec, 1928)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Sacoglossa Plakobranchacea Plakobranchidae Thuridilla moebii Andaman Islands, Tamil Nadu (Bergh, 1888)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Sacoglossa Plakobranchacea Plakobranchidae Thuridilla vataae Andaman Islands (Risbec, 1928)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Sacoglossa Plakobranchacea Volvatellidae Ascobulla pusilla Andaman Islands G. Nevill & H. Nevill, 1869
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Systellommatomorpha Amphibolidae Salinator burmana West Bengal (W.T. Blanford, 1867)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Systellommatomorpha Ellobiidae Cassidula aurisfeli Andaman & Nicobar Islands Bruguiere
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Systellommatomorpha Ellobiidae Cassidula nucleus Tamil Nadu, West Bengal Gmelin, 1798)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Systellommatomorpha Ellobiidae Ellobium aurisjudae Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal, Andaman Islands C. Linnaeus, 1758
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Systellommatomorpha Ellobiidae Ellobium gangeticum Orissa, West Bengal, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Pfeiffer, 1758
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Systellommatomorpha Ellobiidae Laemodonta monilifera Orissa H. Adams & A. Adams, 1854)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Systellommatomorpha Ellobiidae Melampus caffra Andaman & Nicobar Islands Kuester, 1844
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Systellommatomorpha Ellobiidae Melampus castaneus Muehlfeldt, 1818
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Systellommatomorpha Ellobiidae Melampus ceylanicus Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal (Petit, 1841)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Systellommatomorpha Ellobiidae Melampus luteus Andaman Islands Quoy & Gaimard, 1833
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Systellommatomorpha Ellobiidae Melampus pulchella West Bengal (Petit, 1842)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Systellommatomorpha Ellobiidae Pythia plicata Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Orissa, West Bengal Gray, 1825
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Systellommatomorpha Ellobiidae Pythia scarabaeus Andaman & Nicobar Islands C. Linnaeus, 1758
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Systellommatomorpha Onchidiidae Onchidium peronii Andaman & Nicobar Islands Cuvier, 1830
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Systellommatomorpha Onchidiidae Onchidium tigrinum West Bengal, Andaman Islands Stoliczka, 1896
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Systellommatomorpha Onchidiidae Onchidium verruculatum Orissa, Andaman Islands Cuvier, 1830
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Thecosomata Euthecosomata Cavoliniidae Cavolinia globulosa Nicobars Gray, 1850
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Thecosomata Euthecosomata Cavoliniidae Cavolinia inflexa East coast, Andamans (Lesueur, 1813)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Thecosomata Euthecosomata Cavoliniidae Cavolinia tridentata Car Nicobar (Forskal, 1775)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Thecosomata Euthecosomata Cavoliniidae Diacria qudridentata Bay of Bengal (Blainville, 1821)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Thecosomata Euthecosomata Cliidae Clio convexa Car Nicobar (Boas, 1886)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Thecosomata Euthecosomata Cliidae Clio cuspidata Bay of Bengal (Bosc, 1862)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Thecosomata Euthecosomata Cliidae Clio pyramidata Car Nicobar (C. Linnaeus, 1767)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Thecosomata Euthecosomata Cliidae Clio pyramidata lanceolata Bay of Bengal (C. Linnaeus, 1767)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Thecosomata Euthecosomata Creseidae Creseis clava Car Nicobar Tamil Nadu (Rang, 1828)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Thecosomata Euthecosomata Creseidae Creseis virgula Bay of Bengal Rang, 1828
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Thecosomata Euthecosomata Creseidae Hyalocylis striata Car Nicobar Andaman Sea (Rang, 1828)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Thecosomata Euthecosomata Creseidae Styliola subula Car Nicobar Bay of Bengal (Quoy & Gaimard, 18270
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Thecosomata Euthecosomata Limacinidae Helicinoides inflata Bay of Bengal (d' Orbigny, 1836)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Thecosomata Euthecosomata Limacinidae Limacina bulimoides Bay of Bengal (d' Orbigny, 1836)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Thecosomata Euthecosomata Limacinidae Limacina trochiformis Bay of Bengal (d' Orbigny, 1836)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Umbraculida Trimusculidae Trimusculus semicorneus Andaman Islands (H.B. Preston, 1908)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Umbraculida Umbraculidae Umbraculum umbraculum Tamil Nadu (Lightfoot, 1786)
