Suborder: Euthecosomata

Item count: 15
Familysort descending Genus Species Occurrence Authority References Contributors
Cavoliniidae Cavolinia globulosa Nicobars Gray, 1850
Cavoliniidae Cavolinia inflexa East coast, Andamans (Lesueur, 1813)
Cavoliniidae Cavolinia tridentata Car Nicobar (Forskal, 1775)
Cavoliniidae Diacria qudridentata Bay of Bengal (Blainville, 1821)
Cliidae Clio convexa Car Nicobar (Boas, 1886)
Cliidae Clio cuspidata Bay of Bengal (Bosc, 1862)
Cliidae Clio pyramidata Car Nicobar (C. Linnaeus, 1767)
Cliidae Clio pyramidata lanceolata Bay of Bengal (C. Linnaeus, 1767)
Creseidae Creseis clava Car Nicobar Tamil Nadu (Rang, 1828)
Creseidae Creseis virgula Bay of Bengal Rang, 1828
Creseidae Hyalocylis striata Car Nicobar Andaman Sea (Rang, 1828)
Creseidae Styliola subula Car Nicobar Bay of Bengal (Quoy & Gaimard, 18270
Limacinidae Helicinoides inflata Bay of Bengal (d' Orbigny, 1836)
Limacinidae Limacina bulimoides Bay of Bengal (d' Orbigny, 1836)
Limacinidae Limacina trochiformis Bay of Bengal (d' Orbigny, 1836)