
Dr.Nalluri Venkata Subba Rao was involved in the study of systematics, ecology and distribution of Indian molluscs for four and half decades. He was Head of the Malacology Division at the Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata under the Mnistry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. He has published several papers on Indian molluscs and also a few books, important ones are: Handbook On Freshwater Molluscs of India; Indian Seashells Part 1-Polyplacophora and Gastropoda; Snails , Flukes and Man (Collaborative work); Seashore Animals of Andaman & Nicobar Islands (collaborative work).
After his retirement as Scientist-E in 1994 he worked as Emeritus Scientist and intiated a national project- All India Coordinated Project on Taxonomy of molluscs (AICOPTAX). He also served as a Project Manager for UNDP/GEF Project on Coral Reefs of Andaman islands for four years. He retains his passion for molluscs and works as a consultant. He has just completed a manuscript on Indian Seashells Part 2-Bivalvia, which will be published soon.