Reference list
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Ascidiacea, Chlorophytes, Ciliates, Crinoidea, Cyanobacteria, Diatoms, Digenea, Dinoflagellates, Echinoderms (Asteroidea, Echinoidea, Ophiuroidea, Crinoidea), Macroalgae, Malacostraca (Hermit crabs, Lobsters, Penaeoid shrimps, Stomatopods), Molluscs (Bivalves, Cephlopods, Gastropods, Polyplacophora, Scaphopods), Monogenea, Nematodes, Ostracods
Displaying references in checklist: Ascidiacea (contributor: Meenakshi, V.K., Renganathan, T.K.)
Item count: 44
Citation![]() |
Title | Authors | Publisher | Date |
Das, S.M., 1936 | Herdmania (The monascidian of the Indian seas) | Das, S.M. | Indian Zoological Memoirs. No. 5. Lucknow. | 1936 |
Das, S.M., 1940 | On Herdmania (Rhabdocynthia ) ennurensis n. sp. (A new monascidian from Madras) | Das, S.M. | Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 11: 50-60. | 1940 |
Das, S.M., 1945 | On a collection of monascidians from Madras | Das, S.M. | J. Roy. Asiatic Soc. Bengal Science. 11(1): 6-17. | 1945 |
Krishnan, R. et al., 1989 | On the occurrence of four species of ascidians new to Indian waters | Krishnan, R, Chandran, M.R., Renganathan, T.K. | Geobios new Reports. 8: 70-74. | 1989 |
Meenakshi, V.K. et al., 1997 | On the occurrence of a rare simple ascidian Rhodosoma turcicum (Savigny, 1816) from India | Meenakshi, V.K., Renganathan, T.K. | Geobios new Reports. 16: 152-153. | 1997 |
Meenakshi, V.K. et al., 1998 | On the occurrence of a simple ascidian - Ascidia sydneiensis Stimpson, 1855 from Tuticorin Coast of India | Meenakshi, V.K., Renganathan, T.K. | Geobios new Reports. 17: 71-72. | 1998 |
Meenakshi, V.K. et al., 1999 | Ascidia dorsata (Ascidiidae) – an ascidian new to science from Tuticorin coast of India | Meenakshi, V.K., Renganathan, T.K. | Geobios new Reports. 18: 63-66. | 1999 |
Meenakshi, V.K. et al., 1999a | Phallusia poytrema (Herdman, 1906) - a new record to Indian waters | Meenakshi, V.K., Renganathan, T.K. | Geobios new Reports. 18: 61-63. | 1999 |
Meenakshi, V.K. et al., 1999b | Ecteinascidia sluiteri Herdman, 1906 – New record of a colonial ascidian to Indian waters | Meenakshi, V.K., Venugopal, S. | Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 97(3): 446-447. | 1999 |
Meenakshi, V.K. et al., 2006 | First report of a simple ascidian – Pyura spinosa (Quoy and Gaimard, 1834) from Tuticorin Coast of India | Meenakshi, V.K., Senthamarai, S. | Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India. 48(1): 103-104. | 2006 |
Meenakshi, V.K. et al., 2006a | First report on two species of ascidians to represent the genus Botryllus Gaertner, 1774 from Indian water | Meenakshi, V.K., Senthamarai, S. | Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India. 48(1): 100-102. | 2006 |
Meenakshi, V.K. et al., 2006b | Two new styelid ascidians – Polycarpa maniensis sp. nov., Polycarpa scatterata sp. nov. and one new record Polycarpa aurita (Sluiter, 1890) from Indian waters | Meenakshi, V.K., Senthamarai, S. | Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India. 48(1): 95-99. | 2006 |
Meenakshi, V.K. et al., 2007 | New record of the simple ascidian Styela plicata (Lesueur, 1823) | Meenakshi, V.K., Senthamarai, S. | Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. 104(1): 106-108. | 2007 |
Meenakshi, V.K. et al., 2007a | New records of two species of simple ascidians – Microcosmus pupa (Savigny,1816) and Microcosmus squamiger, Hartmeyer and Michaelsen,1928 – from Indian seas | Meenakshi, V.K., Senthamarai, S. | Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. 104(2): 238-240. | 2007 |
Meenakshi, V.K., 1997 | Biology of a few chosen ascidians. | Meenakshi, V.K. | Ph.D. Thesis, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli. Unpublished. | 1997 |
Meenakshi, V.K., 1998 | Occurrence of a new ascidian species – Distaplia nathensis sp. nov. and two species – Eusynstyela tincta (Van Name, 1902), Phallusia nigra (Savigny, 1816) new records for Indian waters. | Meenakshi, V.K. | Indian J. Mar. Sci. 27: 477 – 479. | 1998 |
Meenakshi, V.K., 1998a | Three species of polyclinid ascidians – New records to Indian waters | Meenakshi, V.K. | Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India. 40(1&2): 201-205. | 1998 |
Meenakshi, V.K., 2000 | Trididemnum Della valle, 1881, an unrecorded genus of colonial ascidian from India | Meenakshi, V.K. | Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. 97(2): 302-304. | 2000 |
Meenakshi, V.K., 2000a | Ecteinascidia venui sp. nov., a colonial ascidian (Perophoridae) from Tuticorin, southeast coast of India. | Meenakshi, V.K. | Indian Journal of Marine Sciences. 29: 83-85. | 2000 |
Meenakshi, V.K., 2002 | Occurrence of a new species of colonial ascidian Eudistoma kaverium sp. nov. and four new records of Eudistoma to Indian coastal waters. | Meenakshi, V.K. | Indian Journal of Marine Sciences. 31(3): 201-206. | 2002 |
Meenakshi, V.K., 2003 | Marine biodiversity – Taxonomy of Indian ascidians. Final Technical Report submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi. 1-103 | Meenakshi, V.K. | Unpublished. | 2003 |
Meenakshi, V.K., 2005 | Addition to the ascidian fauna of India | Meenakshi, V.K. | Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India. 47(1): 36-49. | 2005 |
Meenakshi, V.K., 2009 | New records of five species of colonial ascidians of the genus Ecteinascidia Herdman, 1880 from the Gulf of Mannar | Meenakshi, V.K. | Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. 106(1): 107-112. | 2009 |
Monniot, F., 1972 | Ascidies Aplousobranches des Bermudas | Monniot, F. | Bull. Mus. natn. Hist. nat., Paris. Zool. 61: 942-962. | 1972 |
Oka, A., 1915 | Report upon the Tunicata in the collection of the Indian Museum. | Oka, A. | Mem. Indian Mus. 6: 1-33. | 1915 |
Renganathan, T.K. et al., 1984 | Addition to ascidian fauna of India | Renganathan, T.K., Monniot, F. | Bull. Mus. Natn. Hist. nat. Paris 4e ser. 6A(2): 257-262. | 1984 |
Renganathan, T.K. et al., 1985 | Some colonial ascidians from Indian waters. | Renganathan, T.K., Krishnaswamy, S. | Indian J. Mar. Sci. 14: 38-41. | 1985 |
Renganathan, T.K., 1981 | New record of a simple ascidian Styela bicolor (Sluiter, 1887) from the Tuticorin Coast of India. | Renganathan, T.K. | Curr. Sci. 50(22): 1008. | 1981 |
Renganathan, T.K., 1981a | On the occurrence of a colonial ascidian Didemnum psammathodes (Sluiter, 1895) from India. | Renganathan, T.K. | Curr. Sci. 50(20): 922. | 1981 |
Renganathan, T.K., 1982 | On the occurrence of a colonial ascidian - Lissoclinum fragile (Van Name, 1902) from India. | Renganathan, T.K. | Curr. Sci. 51(3): 149. | 1982 |
Renganathan, T.K., 1983 | First record of a simple ascidian Microcosmus curvus Tokioka, 1954 from Indian waters. | Renganathan, T.K. | Curr. Sci. 52(19): 929-930. | 1983 |
Renganathan, T.K., 1983a | Perophora formosana, Oka, 1931 (Ascidacea-Perophoridae) – a new record for the Indian waters | Renganathan, T.K. | Geobios new Reports. 2: 78-79. | 1983 |
Renganathan, T.K., 1984 | Ecteinascidia garstangi, Sluiter 1898 – a colonial ascidian not hitherto been recorded from India | Renganathan, T.K. | Geobios new Reports. 3: 54-55. | 1984 |
Renganathan, T.K., 1984a | Redescription of a rare colonial ascidian Botrylloides chevalense Herdman, 1906 | Renganathan, T.K. | Geobios new Reports. 3: 158-160. | 1984 |
Renganathan, T.K., 1984b | Aplidium multiplicatum Sluiter, 1909 – a new record for the Indian waters | Renganathan, T.K. | Geobios new Reports. 3: 155-156. | 1984 |
Renganathan, T.K., 1984c | New record and redescription of a rare colonial ascidian Eudistoma viride, Tokioka, 1955 from the Indian waters | Renganathan, T.K. | Geobios new Reports. 3: 49-51. | 1984 |
Renganathan, T.K., 1985 | On the occurrence of a colonial ascidian, Symplegma brakenhielmi Michaelsen, 1904 from Tuticorin Coast of India | Renganathan, T.K. | Geobios new Reports. 4: 75-77. | 1985 |
Renganathan, T.K., 1986 | Eudistoma lakshmiani n. sp. a new colonial ascidian from Tuticorin Coast of India | Renganathan, T.K. | Geobios new Reports. 5(2): 163- 164. | 1986 |
Renganathan, T.K., 1986a | New record of Molgula martensii Traustedt, 1885 (Molgulidae/Ascidiacea) from Indian waters | Renganathan, T.K. | Geobios new Reports. 5(1): 62-63. | 1986 |
Renganathan, T.K., 1986b | Studies on the ascidians of South India. | Renganathan, T.K. | Ph.D. Thesis, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai. Unpublished. | 1986 |
Sebastian, V.O., 1952 | A new species of synascidian from Madras. | Sebastian, V.O. | Curr. Sci. 21: 316-317. | 1952 |
Sebastian, V.O., 1954 | On Polyclinum indicum, a new ascidian from the Madras Coast of India | Sebastian, V.O. | Washington Acad. Sci. 44(1): 18-24. | 1954 |
Sebastian, V.O., 1955 | Perophora listeri indica var. nova. a new ascidian from the Madras Coast of India | Sebastian, V.O. | Zoo. Anz. 154(11/12): 266-268. | 1955 |
Sebastian, V.O., 1956 | Symplegma viride Herdman and Symplegma viride stolonica Berrill, two unrecorded fouling organisms from Indian seas | Sebastian, V.O. | J. Timb. Dry. Preserv. Ass. India. 11(3): 2-4. | 1956 |