
Prof. K.Srinivasa Rao carried out detailed studies on fish catches on the Andhra coast, East coast of India. One of his major investigations is on the taxonomic considerations in relation to the growth and migratory movements of Scomberomorus spp. - a commercially important species complex along the East coast. Analytical studies were made from literature of putative Clades and their hybrid derivatives (triads) in different intrageneric species groups. It gave rise to the "law of triad" enunciating the hybridisation process in nature. The law is: "In a complex of triad of populations of putative clades and their hybrid derivatives, the intermediate third form restricted to a NHZ (Narrow Hybrid Zone) is predictably of hybrid origin, though passing under the name of a species." The NHZ model formed the framework of a hypothesis that could be put to test.
After a long research career with the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI), Government of India. Prof. Rao joined the teaching staff of the Zoology Department of Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. He initiated studies on the haematology of fish species exposed to cultural and polluted conditions in the diagnosis of fish health. Some fish diseases were reported - particularly calcium carbonate excrescences on different body parts of catfish belonging to Arius tenuispinis hitherto considered as osteoma. Professor Rao discussed these in about thirty publications in International Journals. Under his guidance thirteen students received their Ph.D.

Dr.Nalluri Venkata Subba Rao was involved in the study of systematics, ecology and distribution of Indian molluscs for four and half decades. He was Head of the Malacology Division at the Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata under the Mnistry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. He has published several papers on Indian molluscs and also a few books, important ones are: Handbook On Freshwater Molluscs of India; Indian Seashells Part 1-Polyplacophora and Gastropoda; Snails , Flukes and Man (Collaborative work); Seashore Animals of Andaman & Nicobar Islands (collaborative work).
After his retirement as Scientist-E in 1994 he worked as Emeritus Scientist and intiated a national project- All India Coordinated Project on Taxonomy of molluscs (AICOPTAX). He also served as a Project Manager for UNDP/GEF Project on Coral Reefs of Andaman islands for four years. He retains his passion for molluscs and works as a consultant. He has just completed a manuscript on Indian Seashells Part 2-Bivalvia, which will be published soon.

Umamaheswara Rao, M. obtained B.Sc. (Hons) and M.Sc. in Botany in 1958 from the Andhra University, Waltair. He obtained Ph.D. degree in 1964 for his thesis “An ecological study of intertidal algae of Visakhapatnam Coast”. He started his professional career as a Demonstrator in Botany at Andhra University. Later Dr. Rao joined the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Mandapam Camp, Tamil Nadu and served as Assist. Fishery Scientist for more than a decade. He joined the Botany Department of Andhra University in 1973 as a Lecturer and became a Professor in 1985. Eight research scholars took Ph.D. and five M.Phil degrees under his mentorship. He was an eminent Indian Algologist and his field of specialization was Systematics, Resources, Ecology, Biological and Biochemical aspects, Culture and Cultivation of Marine Algae. He has published over one hundred research articles in various National and International journals. His collaboration with Dr. Bhavnath Jha and others resulted in an excellent monograph “Seaweeds of India” published by Springer, New York. This book presents the rich biodiversity of macroalgae along Gujarat Coastline. Prof. Umamaheswara Rao described several species new to science that include Boodleopsis indica, Acrosorium krishnamurthyi, Tylotus indicus, Caulerpa mexicana f. indica and Porphyra vietnamensis.
Prof. Rao visited several foreign countries to deliver invited special lectures on Indian marine algae. He was the Principal Investigator for several research projects funded by agencies including UGC, DOEn, DBT, MES, HPCL Oil Refinery etc. Prof. Rao was a life member of several scientific societies and was a Fellow of Marine Biological Association of India. For his scientific achievements and seminal contributions on Indian marine algae, Prof. Rao was honored with Lifetime Achievement Award by Krishnamurthy Institute of Algology, Chennai in 2004.
Prof. M. Umamaheswara Rao passed away in October 2012. More information can be obtained from Dr. Ramesh Mandarapu, D# 2-46-2; Plot # 43; Sector-11; M.V.P. Colony; Visakhapatnam-530 017; INDIA. Phone: +91(891)2506163,