
Contributed by: Dr. C. Annapurna

Item count: 6411
Classsort descending Subclass Family Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Subspecies Occurrence Authority References Contributors
Fish Trichiuridae Eupleurogrammus muticus (Gray, 1831)
Fish Trichiuridae Lepturacanthus savala (Cuvier, 1829)
Fish Trichiuridae Tentoriceps cristatus Monotypic (Klunzinger, 1884)
Fish Trichiuridae Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus, 1758
Fish Trichiuridae Trichiurus russelli Dutt & Thankam, 1967
Fish Uranoscopidae Uranoscopus archeionema Indo Pecific Regan, 1921
Fish Xiphiidae Xiphias gladius Linnaeus, 1758
Fish Zanclidae Zanclus canescens Indo Pecific (Linnaeus, 1756)
Gastropoda Patellogastropoda Acmaeaidae Acmaea achates Andamans L.H. Reeve, 1855
Gastropoda Patellogastropoda Acmaeaidae Acmaea inconspicua Andaman Islands J.E. Gray, 1843
Gastropoda Patellogastropoda Acmaeaidae Acmaea puncturata Nicobar Islands Lamarck, 1819
Gastropoda Patellogastropoda Acmaeaidae Acmaea semicornea Andaman Islands H.B. Preston, 1908
Gastropoda Patellogastropoda Lottiidae Patelloida flammea Andaman Islands Quoy & Gaimard, 1843
Gastropoda Patellogastropoda Lottiidae Patelloida saccharina Andaman & Nicobar Islands C. Linnaeus, 1758
Gastropoda Patellogastropoda Lottiidae Potamacmea fluviatilis West Bengal (Gangetic delta) W.T. Blanford, 1867
Gastropoda Patellogastropoda Nacelldae Cellana radiata enneagona Andamans L.H. Reeve, 1854
Gastropoda Patellogastropoda Nacelldae Cellana radiata radiata East coast, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Born, 1780
Gastropoda Patellogastropoda Nacelldae Cellana testudinea Andaman & Nicobar Islands C. Linnaeus, 1758
Gastropoda Patellogastropoda Patellidae Scutellastra flexuosa Andaman & Nicobar Islands Quoy & Gaimard, 1843
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Acteonidae Acteon virgatus Andaman Islands (L.H. Reeve, 1842)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Acteonidae Pupa coccinata Andaman Islands (L.H. Reeve, 1842)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Acteonidae Pupa solidula Tamil Nadul (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Amathinidae Amathina tricarinata AndamanI & Nicobar Islands (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Angariidae Angaria delphinus Andaman Islands C. Linnaeus, 1758
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Angariidae Angaria distorta Tamil Nadu, Andaman & Nicobar Islands C. Linnaeus, 1758
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Aplustridae Aplustrum amplustre Andaman Islands (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Aplustridae Hydatina eximia Andaman Islands Deshayes
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Aplustridae Hydatina zonata Andhra Pradesh, Andamans (Lightfoot, 1786)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Aplustridae Micromelo guamensis Andamans (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Architectonicidae Architectonica laevigata Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Orissa, Andaman Islands (Lamarck, 1822)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Architectonicidae Architectonica maculata Andaman Islands (Link, 1807)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Architectonicidae Architectonica perspectiva Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Andaman Islands (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Architectonicidae Heliacus dorsuosus Tamil Nadu, Andamans (Hinds, 1844)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Architectonicidae Heliacus stramineus Tamil nadu, Puducherry, Andaman Islands (Gmelin, 1791)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Architectonicidae Psilaxis radiatus Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Roeding, 1798)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Assimineidae Acmella Acmella andamanica andamanica West Bengal, Andaman Islands G. Nevill, 1870
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Assimineidae Acmella Acmella roepstorfiana roepstorfiana Andaman Islands G. Nevill, 1870
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Assimineidae Assiminea Assiminea brevicula brevicula Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Pfeiffer, 1854)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Assimineidae Assiminea Assiminea francesiae francesiae West Bengal, Andaman Islands (Gray, 1828)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Assimineidae Assiminea Assiminea microsculpta microsculpta West Bengal G. Nevill, 1880
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Assimineidae Assiminea Assiminea templeana templeana Nicobar Islands G. Nevill, 1880
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Assimineidae Assiminea Assiminea theoboldiana theoboldiana West Bengal, Andaman Islands G. Nevill, 1880
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Assimineidae Assiminea Assiminea woodmasoniana woodmasoniana Andaman Islands G. Nevill, 1880
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Atlantidae Atlanta Atlanta peronii peronii Bay of Bengal Leseur, 1817
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Babyloniidae Babylonia Babylonia ambulacrum Andaman Islands (G.B. Sowerby, 1834)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Babyloniidae Babylonia Babylonia spirata Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Andaman & Nicobar Islands (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Babyloniidae Babylonia Babylonia zeylanica Puducherry, Andhra Pradesh (Bruguiere, 1789)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Borsoniidae Bathytoma Bathytoma oldhami Tamil Nadu, West Bengal (E.A. Smith, 1899)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Borsoniidae Tomopleura Tomopleura vertebrata (E.A. Smith, 1875)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Buccininae Clea Clea bocki Andhra Pradesh Brot, 1881
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Phosinae Nassaria Nassaria acuminata Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Andaman Islands (L.H. Reeve, 1844)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Phosinae Nassaria Nassaria coromandelica Bay of Bengal E.A. Smith, 1894
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Phosinae Nassaria Nassaria laevior Andaman Islands E.A. Smith, 1899
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Phosinae Nassaria Nassaria nodicostata Andamans, Port Blair A. Adams, 1851
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Phosinae Nassaria Nassaria pusilla Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa (Roeding, 1798)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Phosinae Nassaria Nassaria terrifera Tamil Nadu, off Coromandle coast E.A. Smith, 1895
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Phosinae Phos Phos rufocincta Andaman Islands E.A. Smith, 1899
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Phosinae Phos Phos senticosus Andaman Islands (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Phosinae Phos Phos textus Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Gmelin, 1791)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Pisaniinae Cantharus Cantharus tranquebaricus Puducherry, Tamil Nadu Gmelin, 1791
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Pisaniinae Engina Engina alveolata Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Kiener, 1836)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Pisaniinae Engina Engina lineata Tamil Nadu (L.H. Reeve, 1846)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Pisaniinae Engina Engina mendicaria Tamil Nadu, Andaman & Nicobar Islands (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Pisaniinae Engina Engina zonalis Andaman Islands (Lamarck, 1822)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Pisaniinae Manaria Manaria thurstoni Tamil Nadu E.A. Smith, 1906
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Pisaniinae Metula Metula andamanica Andaman Islands E.A. Smith, 1906
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Pisaniinae Metula Metula inflata East coast (Houbrick, 1984)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Pisaniinae Pisania Pisania ignea Bay of Bengal (Gmelin, 1791)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Pisaniinae Pollia Pollia delicatus Andaman Islands (E.A. Smith, 1899)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Pisaniinae Pollia Pollia fumosa Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Dillwyn, 1817)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Pisaniinae Pollia Pollia spiralis Puducherry, Tamil Nadu (Gray, 1846)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Pisaniinae Pollia Pollia undosa Tamil Nadu, Andaman & Nicobar Islands (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Buccinidae Pisaniinae Pollia Pollia wagneri Andaman Islands (Anton, 1839)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Bursidae Bufonaria Bufonaria crumena crumena Puducherry, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh (Lamarck, 1816)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Bursidae Bufonaria Bufonaria echinata echinata East coast, Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Link, 1807)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Bursidae Bufonaria Bufonaria margaritula margaritula Puducherry (Deshayes, 1832)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Bursidae Bufonaria Bufonaria rana rana Tamil Nadu, Orissa, West Bengal, Andaman & Nicobar Islands (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Bursidae Bursa Bursa awatii awatii Coromadle Coast ? H.C. Ray, 1849
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Bursidae Bursa Bursa bufonia bufonia Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Gmelin, 1791)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Bursidae Bursa Bursa granularis granularis Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Roeding, 1798)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Bursidae Bursa Bursa lamarckii lamarckii Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Deshayes, 1853)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Bursidae Tutufa(Tutufa) Tutufa(Tutufa) bubo bubo Andaman & Nicobar Islands (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Bursidae Tutufa(Tutufa) Tutufa(Tutufa) bufo bufo Andaman Islands (Roeding, 1798)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Bursidae Tutufa(Tutufella) Tutufa(Tutufella) rubeta rubeta Andamans (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Caliotropidae Bathybembix woodmasoni Andaman Islands E.A. Smith, 1895
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Caliotropidae Calliotropis infundibulum Andaman Sea R.B. Watson, 1879
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Calliostomatiidae Calliostoma speciosa Andaman Islands A. Adams, 1854
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Calliostomatiidae Calliostoma sublaeve Andaman Islands E.A. Smith, 1895
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Calliostomatiidae Calliostoma tranquebaricus Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa Roeding, 1798
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Calyptraeidae Calyptraea Calyptraea dormitorea dormitorea Andaman Islands (L.H. Reeve, 1859)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Calyptraeidae Calyptraea Calyptraea edgariana edgariana Andaman Islands Melvill, 1898
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Calyptraeidae Calyptraea Calyptraea extinctoreum extinctoreum Andaman & Nicobar Islands Lamarck, 1822
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Calyptraeidae Calyptraea Calyptraea layardi layardi Andaman Islands (L.H. Reeve, 1859)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Calyptraeidae Siphopatella Siphopatella walshi walshi Tamil Nadu, Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Reeve, 1859)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Cancellariidae Cancellariinae Bivitella Bivitella similis , Andaman Sea G.B. Sowerby I, 1833
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Cancellariidae Cancellariinae Cancellaria Cancellaria wilmeri Puducherry. Andhra Pradesh, Orissa G.B. Sowerby, 1871
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Cancellariidae Cancellariinae Merica Merica asperella Andaman Islands (Lamarck, 1822)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Cancellariidae Cancellariinae Mirandaphera Mirandaphera tosaensis Andaman Islands Habe, 1961
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Cancellariidae Cancellariinae Scalptia Scalptia nassa Andaman Islands Gmelin, 1791
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Cancellariidae Cancellariinae Scalptia Scalptia obliquata Puducherry, Andaman Islands (Lamarck, 1822)
