
Item count: 6261
Variety Occurrence Authority References Contributors
Bay of Bengal Grun
Bay of Bengal Venkataraman
Bay of Bengal Ag
Bay of Bengal Grun
Bay of Bengal Cl
Bay of Bengal A.S
Bay of Bengal Simonsen
Bay of Bengal Kuetz
Bay of Bengal Donkin
Bay of Bengal Kuetz
Bay of Bengal Ralfs in Pritchard
Bay of Bengal Greg
dialata Bay of Bengal A.S
Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
elongata Bay of Bengal Hust
minuta Bay of Bengal Cl
Bay of Bengal Bréb
Bay of Bengal Robenh
constricta Bay of Bengal Cl
Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Bay of Bengal A.S
Bay of Bengal Ralfs in Pritchard
maxima Bay of Bengal Cl
Bay of Bengal Kuetz
Bay of Bengal A.S
Bay of Bengal grun
Bay of Bengal greg
Bay of Bengal Grun
Bay of Bengal Hantz
Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Bay of Bengal grun
Bay of Bengal Grun
Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Bay of Bengal Hasle
Bay of Bengal Grun
Bay of Bengal Pelletan
Bay of Bengal Kuetz
Bay of Bengal Simonsen
Bay of Bengal Grun
Bay of Bengal Desikachary & Prem, 1987
Bay of Bengal Desikachary & Prem, 1988
didyma Bay of Bengal Grunow
Bay of Bengal Grun
Bay of Bengal Müller
Bay of Bengal Ralfs in Pritchard
indica Bay of Bengal Karsten
Bay of Bengal Grun
Bay of Bengal Grun
Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Bay of Bengal Perag
Bay of Bengal Greg
migrans Bay of Bengal Hasle
Bay of Bengal Hust
Bay of Bengal Grun
Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Bay of Bengal Grun
Bay of Bengal Reim.& Lewin
Bay of Bengal Sm
Bay of Bengal Grum
Bay of Bengal Castr
Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Bay of Bengal Kuetz
amphicephala Bay of Bengal Hust
Bay of Bengal Grun
Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Bay of Bengal Grev
Bay of Bengal Cl
Bay of Bengal Grev
Bay of Bengal Grev
Bay of Bengal Greg
Bay of Bengal Grev
Bay of Bengal Grev
Bay of Bengal Desikachary et al
Bay of Bengal Andrews & Stoelzel
Bay of Bengal Desikachary
Bay of Bengal Grev
Bay of Bengal Ralfs in Pritchard
Bay of Bengal Schütt
Bay of Bengal Grun
Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Bay of Bengal Meister
Bay of Bengal Ralfs in Pritchard
Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Bay of Bengal Grun
Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Bay of Bengal Round & Mann
Bay of Bengal V.H
Bay of Bengal Grun
Bay of Bengal Kuetz
Bay of Bengal Stodder
Bay of Bengal Kuetz
Bay of Bengal Mann
Bay of Bengal Schroed
Bay of Bengal Sundström
Bay of Bengal Sundström
Bay of Bengal Btw
Bay of Bengal Btw
Bay of Bengal Perag
