
Item count: 6358
Phylumsort descending Class Genus Species Variety Occurrence Authority References Contributors
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia aurita Bay of Bengal Brébisson & Godey
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia aurita Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia biddulphiana Bay of Bengal Boyer
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia granulata Bay of Bengal Bail
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia granulate Western Bay of Bengal
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia heteroceros Bay of Bengal Grun
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia heteroceros Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia heteroceros Chennai GrÜnow
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia heteroceros Chilka Lake
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia longicruris Bay of Bengal Grev
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia longicruris Central Bay of Bengal
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia longicruris Chennai Greville
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia mobilensis Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia mobiliensis Bay of Bengal Grun
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia mobiliensis Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia mobiliensis Chennai Bailey
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia mobiliensis Madras Grun
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia mobiliensis Madras Coast
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia mobiliensis Visakhapatnam Harbour
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia plana Bay of Bengal Schmidt
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia pulchella Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia pulchella Chennai Gray
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia reticulata Bay of Bengal Roper
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia rhombus Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia rhombus Chennai W. Smith
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia rhombus Western Bay of Bengal
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia sinensis Bay of Bengal Grev
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia sinensis Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia sinensis Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia sinensis Chennai Greville
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia sinensis Chilka Lake Greville
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia sinensis Hoogly Estuary
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia sinensis Madras Grev
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia tridens Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia weissflogii Bay of Bengal Jan
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Cacconeis apiculata Bay of Bengal A.S
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Caloneis bicuneata Bay of Bengal Boyer
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Caloneis crassa Bay of Bengal Ross
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Caloneis elongata Bay of Bengal Boyer
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Caloneis liber Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Caloneis madraspatensis Bay of Bengal Subrahmanyan
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Caloneis madraspatensis Chennai Subrahmanyan, 1946
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Caloneis westii Bay of Bengal Hendy
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Campylodiscus biangulatus Bay of Bengal Grev
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Campylodiscus bifurcatus minor Bay of Bengal Desikachary & Prem, 1987
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Campylodiscus brightwellii Bay of Bengal Grun
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Campylodiscus clypeus Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Campylodiscus crebrecostatus Bay of Bengal Grev
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Campylodiscus decorus Bay of Bengal Bréb
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Campylodiscus horologicum Chilka Lake Williams
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Campylodiscus iyengarii Bay of Bengal Subrahmanyan
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Campylodiscus iyengarii Chennai Subrahmnyan, 1946
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Campylodiscus iyengarii Chennai Subrahmnyan, 1947
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Campylodiscus latus Bay of Bengal Shadb
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Campylodiscus ornatus indicus Bay of Bengal Desikachary & Prem, 1987
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Campyloneis grevillei Bay of Bengal Grun
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Cerataulina bergonii Chennai Peragallo
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Cerataulus petitii Bay of Bengal L.F
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Cerataulus turgidus Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Ceratualina bicornis Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Ceratulina Bay of Bengal
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros Bay of Bengal Hasle
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros Chilka Lake
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros Chilka Lake
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros Godavari Estuary
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros Krishna Estuary
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros affinis Bay of Bengal Lauder
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros affinis Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros affinis Chennai Lauder
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros affinis Chilka Lake Lauder
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros affinis Madras Grev
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros affinis Madras Coast
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros affinis Parangipettai, Vellar Lauder
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros affinis Vellar Estuary
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros affinis Visakhapatnam Harbour
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros affinis Western Bay of Bengal
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros affinis var. intermedius Chennai Subrahmanyan, 946
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros atlanticum Bay of Bengal Cl
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros bacteriastroides Bay of Bengal Karsten
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros bacteriostrioides Western Bay of Bengal
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros coarctatus Bay of Bengal Lauder
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros coarctatus Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros coarctatus Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros coarctatus Chennai Lauder
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros compressus Bay of Bengal Lauder
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros compressus Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros compressus Chennai Lauder
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros crinitus Western Bay of Bengal
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros curvisetus Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros curvisetus Chennai Cleve
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros curvisetus Chilka Lake Cleve
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros curvisetus Parangipettai, Vellar, Coleroon Coast, Coleroon Estuary Cleve
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros curvisetus Visakhapatnam Harbour
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros curvisetus Western Bay of Bengal
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros danicus Western Bay of Bengal
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros decipiens singularis Madras Gran
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros denticulatum Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros denticulatum Porto Novo Lauder
Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros denticulatus Bay of Bengal Lauder
